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Home > Current Affairs > UK News > A Review of Islamic Roadshow's in Green Street & Wood Green

A Review of Islamic Roadshow's in Green Street & Wood Green

Recently, Islam4UK visited two London towns: Green Street and Wood Green, as platforms to launch our continuing Islamic Roadshows. These two locations were specifically chosen, due to their high crime rates as well as the general poverty that plagued them.

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Brother Abu Aaqil invites the Wood Green community to the Shari'ah; to download the video click: DOWNLOAD

In both events, various discussions took place between members of the public and Islamic activists, which helped to disseminate many aspects of the Islamic Shari'ah as well as clarify many of the misconceptions they had about Islam. Detailed literature was also distributed, in particular those articles pertaining to the Islamic economy.

 Attention was also paid to describing the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hellfire, as things that were very real and moreover unavoidable; in Paradise (Jannah) for example, there is eternal bliss, where houses are constructed from crystals, diamonds and rubies, and where there are breathtaking rivers of milk, honey, wine and water. These eternal gardens of Paradise have been designated for those who worship, follow and obey none but Almighty God in this life and follow His commands.

Alhamdulillah (all praise be to Allah), in Wood Green a young teenager by the name of Harry became Muslim, and on his conversion suggestions were also made to change his name to Haroon. He was given a ‘Conversion Pack' as an introduction to Islam and his contact details were taken, to keep him updated with future Islamic events. The video of his conversion will be released shortly inshaa'allah.

In conclusion both events were highly successful, and we hope to continue them up and down the United Kingdom as an illuminating experience for the British public to experience Islam in its totality, and to one day implement it here in Britain.

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Anjem Choudary talks to Russia TV about Islam and the Shari'ah; to download the video click: DOWNLOAD


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